TWENTY DOLLARS Reward. RUN AWAY From the Subscriber the 22d, Instant. A NEGRO Fellow named NED, he is remarkably well look'd, about four or five and twenty years old; he had on when he went away a brown cloath coat, red jacket, and I believe oznabrig trousers. Their [sic] went off with him at same time an indentured servant man, belonging to Thomas Carter of same county, named JAMES WELSH, about twenty five years of age, five feet, six or seven inches high; he is very lusty and looks well, much addicted to liquor, is a shoemaker to trade, has three scars between his eyebrows, his under teeth over shoot his upper ones; black hair, and very little beard, and that on each side of his chin; had on when he went away, a cinamon coloured cotton coat, a scarlet jacket mix'd, serge breetches much worn; he took with him four pair of new shoes, two pair of stockings, one pair blue and white, the other white cotton: Fifty Shillings Reward is offered to bring the said fellow to the said Thomas Carter, exclusive of what the law allows. The above negro fellow is about six foot high, very well made, has a smooth tongue and is very deceitful. It is very probable that the white man may write him a Pass, and may go for a free man; he has been used to go by water, and is a very good sawer; he had a pretty large scar under the calf of his right leg, occasioned by the bite of a mad dog a few years ago. I will give the above Reward of Twenty Dollars to bring him to me in Lancaster county, exclusive of what the law allows; or Fifty Shillings to secure him in any goal in the colony. THOMAS ROWAND.