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Alexander Campaign; Virginia Teachers
(WSLS Television, Roanoke, VA)

The first half of the clip is footage of the annual meeting of the Ninth District of the Virginia Teachers Association at Carver High School in Salem. At the meeting, the President of the VTA, J. Shelby Guss told the group to keep their Association protection until they can find something better with which to replace it. Roanoke County School Superintendent Arnold Burton told the group the VTA is still very much alive. The second half of the clip is an interview with Ninth District President Mrs. R.T. Mitchell of Wytheville. Mitchell offered a positive account of school integration in Southwest Virginia, claiming that there has been no "token desegregation" in her district.
About the film
  • Date: April 2, 1966
  • Sound: Yes
  • Duration: 00:58
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