Films & Summaries

Films indexed with the term : John Patterson

Interview with Albertis S. Harrison (WDBJ)
Interview with Albertis S. Harrison, Jr., Attorney General About the Pupil Placement Law (WDBJ)
Conclusion of the September Showdown Series (WDBJ)
July 13, 1958
WDBJ September Showdown Interview with Luther Carter (WDBJ)
July 13, 1958
WDBJ September Showdown Interview with Oliver Hill and Robert L. Carter (WDBJ)
July 13, 1958
WDBJ September Showdown Interview with R. O. Nelson (WDBJ)
July 13, 1958
WDBJ September Showdown Interview with William McKendrie (WDBJ)
July 13, 1958
WDBJ September Showdown Interviews with Victor Ashe and J. Hugo Madison (WDBJ)
July 13, 1958
WDBJ September Showdown Introduction to Governor Almond Interview (WDBJ)
July 13, 1958