The Reflector

Issue Number:28

Date: 02/17/1934

p. 03, c. 01-02

Society Notes of Charlottesvillians

Thomas J. Sellers

Mrs. Mollie Catlett of Twelfth St., has returned to her home after visiting relatives in New York City.

Mrs. Ophelia Fields entertained the "Smarter Set" at her residence, on Fourth St., Thursday night of last week. There was no unfinished business to be attended to, so the first fifteen minutes were spent in social chatting. Then, the hostess served a very select menu. After this, contract bridge was played for the next ninety minutes. The highest score was made by Mrs. Marjorie Hargrove, who was guest to the club. She won a beautiful combination bridge pencil and scorer. Miss Rosemary M. Jones made the second highest score and won the first club prize, which was a lovely perfume container. Miss M. Otelia Abbott made the third highest score and won the second club prize, which was a handsome deck of cards within a leather case.

Mr. Frank Williams, who has been ill at his residence on Diggs St., is improving.

Mrs. Edna Brooks was hostess to the "Felicitas Contract Bridge Club" Tuesday night of last week. Bridge was played until twelve o'clock. Mrs. Peachie C. Johnson won the ladies' prize and Dr. B. A. Coles won the men's. While members played cards, Mr. Brooks entertained them by playing, in a most charming manner, such selections as, "I Love You Truly" and "Mighty Like a Rose". The hostess served a lovely menu.

Mr. Roland Poindexter who has been indisposed at his residence on Preston Avenue has improved.

Mrs. Eva Mae Roberts, who has been indisposed at her residence on Booker St., is convalescent.

Mr. George Wood of Page St., who sustained a broken collar bone as the result of an accident which occurred recently on 4th St. is improving.

Mrs. Fannie Lias left this city last Saturday night to visit her daughter, Mrs. Aida Jackson, who resides in Washington, D. C.

Little Rebecca Wigginton of Third Street is quite ill at the University Hospital.

Mrs. Gladys Mayo, who has been ill at the University Hospital, has improved to the extent that she has been permitted to return to her home. She is convalescing.

Mrs. Hattie Hearns of Diggs St. is confined to her bed. She is improving slowly.

Mrs. Ione S. Edgar is ill at her residence on Sixth St.

Mr. Charles Michie and Miss Harriette Marie Robinson were the weekend guests, last week, of Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Michie of Dice St.

Mr. Irving Barbour left this city recently to join his wife, Mrs. Gabriella Smith Barbour in Inglewood, N. J.