The Reflector

Issue Number:35

Date: 04/07/1934

p. 03, c. 3

Open Forum

R.V. Mason

Dear Editor,

I want tell you how much your little paper interests me. Of course the Society Notes do not mean much to me because most of the people I do not even know. But I must say that your editorials, questions on Negro History, and that very foolish but interesting "Man at the Key Hole" are quite enjoyable. I am really wishing for you much success, and I hope that some day "The Reflector" may grow into a larger paper, but if it does, please keep up your present format and don't for God's sake, fill your front pages with rapes, lynching and incests. One grows weary of reading that sort of trash.

I sincerely believe that some day, your paper perhaps will become a daily organ of expression, and I been receiving a copy from Charlottesville, but for the last two weeks I haven't received a copy. Therefore, I wish to subscribe to it by the year. How much are your yearly subscription rates?

In conclusion, there were two poems in a recent edition that interested me considerably and I should like to write to the author of them. I think he signed his name E.B.S. They appeared in your February 3rd issue. Will you send me his address?

I hope for you much success.


R.V. Mason

Phoebus, Virginia.