The Reflector

Issue Number:24

Date: 01/20/1934

p. 02, c. 02-03

Open Forum

Maury Winfield, Richmond, Va.

Dear Editor:

I have noticed in several magazines and daily papers that President Roosevelt is taking a stand against lynching. Many of our, here-to-fore, indifferent American citizens have been lying "Supinely of their backs" not caring what comes, whether good or ill as far as lynching is concerned. Now, as far as I can see, this evil isn't anything new. Why it is almost as old as the emancipation proclamation. I wonder why this feeling against lynching is just becoming manifest. I hate to think that it is because of the latest trend of the lyncher's mind, that is, lynching whites as well as Negroes.

Every time I scan a paper, I see Negro lynched by mob. Once upon a time, this passed unnoticed except by a few Negro journals. Now the subject has become popular, and even the Chief Executive has spoken, publicly, against it.

Well, even if the interest of the public is finally aroused, I don't care under what circumstances, I am glad because I have grown weary of the smell of human flesh burning like the side of cattle.

Maury Winfield. Richmond, Va.