Issue Number:23

Date: 01/13/1934

p. 01-02, c. 01-02

An Ancient Trick Exposed

Thomas J. Sellers

The Reflector has called attention before to the fundamental points of the old hide-behind-skirt-game. It has been a favorite pastime for a certain class of unscrupulous citizens in this country for years upon years. A Ne gro, in some way, incurs the disfavor of his more influential white brother by "back talk", or maybe a fist fight and the unfortunate fellow is charged with rape. Indiscreet rags scream the manufactured details, making sure not to mention the name of the "lady" who is supposed to be involved, and the rest of the trick is familiar to the reading public of America. All paraphernalia is collected, the victim taken from jail and the bloodthirsty mobsters avenge a personal misunderstanding in the name of "p rotection for the white womanhood". Consequently, a disinterested world is led to believe that all Negro men are fiendish rapists who must be held in check with the rope and oil.

There are just a few groups of sincere American citizens anxious for the truth; for example, the Southern Commission on Lynching and the Women's Anti-Lynching Federation (both Southern organizations of men and women of the white race) who have learned by actual investigation that ninety percent of the rape charges, over a period of fifteen years, have been false.

Cordie Cheek, a seventeen year old youth, was murdered in Maury County, Tenn., on December, fifteenth, by a group of citizens reputed to have been led by several county officials. However Governor McAllister has facts which prove that Cheek was lynched not because he was disrespectful to white womanhood, but because he forgot to "mister" a white youth who was the same age as he, which led to a fist fight. That night, Cheek was kidnapped and hanged which, according to a w eekly thereabouts, was "an act to protect the purity of white womanhood".

It is the same old trick that has been pulled for years by a group, which may be classified as the lowest type of humanity. These base murderers have enough of the brute's inclinations to destroy human life and are cowardl y enough to hide behind the skirts of women by naming their dastardly acts as measures of protection. God pity anything judged by the standards that such feeble and degraded minds set up.