Issue Number:20

Date: 12/16/1933

p. 02, c. 01

Do You Know This One? Answers on page 5, column 3

1. Who is Kelly Miller?
2. What Negro composer recently wrote a symphony?
3. Who is Claud McCay?
4. Who is Nathaniel Dett?
5. Who was the first American to shed blood in the American Revolution?
6. Which one of the Romantic Poets wrote an ode in honor of a Negro General?
7. How many grade A colleges, for Negroes, are there in Virginia?
8. How many Negro men and women are engaged in journalism, in America, as a means of livelihood?
9. How many lynchings have occurred in the United States since 1927?
10. Does Virginia have an anti-lynch law on her statute book?

Answers 1. Dean of men at Howard University also an author.
2. Professor Dawson of Tuske and submitted the same to the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra.
3. Negro short story writer of note.
4. Former head of department of music at Hampton Institute famous composer and arranger of Negro Spirituals.
5. Crispus Attuchs, runaway slave and volunteer soldier who was struck by a British soldier for making an insulting remark to the group of farmer-soldiers who had gathered to oppose the king's troops. He was shot down after doing this. There is a monum ent erecteed in his honor on the British Commons.
6. William Wordsworth. In 1803, he wrote a short ode commemorating the famous Negro General, Toussaint L'overture.
7. Three. Virginia State College, Union University and Hampton Institute. There were four until last year when Virginia Seminary was dropped from the list of accredited colleges.
8. There are three thousand, four hundred and fifty-two Negro men and women in journalism as editors, feature writers reporters and instructors.
9. The known lynchings since 1927 are one hundred and nineteen. One hundred and four were Negroes, and the remaining fifteen, whites.
10. Yes. The bill was passed and became effective in 1928.