Issue Number:24

Date: 01/20/1934

p. 04, c. 02

Jefferson School Notes

Thomas J. Sellers

As another link in the cooperative chain of development in the public schools, Mrs. Cora B. Duke, Principal, and her teaching staff are working out and presenting very interesting and educational assembly programs during the assembly period. For the month of January, the high school staff is in charge of activities. This has been selected as a month of appreciation programs. The first week in January was devoted to "Home and School Appreciation Week". Mrs. E. C. Heiskell was teacher in charge. On Wednesday, she made a very inspiring address on home and school appreciation for the betterment of the child. On Friday, Fannie Mae Barbour read a theme entitled, "How Can I Make My Home Happy?" Then, Elizabeth Harris played an instrumental solo, entitled "Home, Sweet Home". The last number on the program was a recitation, "If" for girls.

The second week in January was devoted to "Self Appreciation". Mrs. C. W. Michie and Mrs. Cora B. Duke were in charge of activities. On Monday Mrs. Michie delivered the introductory address; on Wednesday, she made a very strong appeal to the students to place a greater par on themselves. On Friday, Mrs. Cora B. Duke read a story whose general theme was cooperation and how it helps one attain any desired end.

Don't forget the musicale presenting Charlottesville's leading talented musicians in the Jefferson School auditorium, Friday, January 19th at 8:30 P. M.