The Reflector

Issue Number:44

Date: 06/09/1934

p. 01, c. 3

The John Stratton Benefit Dance

Thomas Sellers

Readers of this issue of "The Reflector" will notice an announcement concerning the John Stratton Benefit Dance, to be held next Thursday, June 14th.

This entertainment, to be staged at the Odd Fellows Hall, will represent an effort, on the part of Sampson's Happy Pals, to assist a former member of their orchestra in the securing of medical attention that has been advised for him.

Stratton as Charlottesville knows, was the little man "behind the drums", in Sampson's Happy Pals. Several months ago, he became ill and has been confined to his bed ever since. In these economically topsy-turvy times, when even well men find the going tough, it is not difficult to understand why it is a worthwhile movement, on the part of the orchestra to provide their former orchestra member with financial assistance.

The intentions of the band are commendable, but unless the public catches the spirit and supports this movement, these intentions will amount to very little in a material way. Negro citizens of Charlottesville should keep this fact in mind and make arrangements to help make his movement a succesful one because such a splendid display of brotherhood on the part of these ten musicians should be encouraged.