Issue Number:38

Date: 06/02/1934

p. 2, c. 2

The Carrie. V. Dyer Alumi Chapter, composed of the graduates and former students of Virginia Union University, will present a rare musical treat to the music lovers of Charlottesville, Monday night, June 4th, 1934, 8:30 o'clock, at the MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH. The occasion will be a recital by Mr. Frank Roane, of Richmond, Va.

Mr. Roane is a baritone soloist of unusual merit. He is physically equipped with the type of phyisque that denotes health and strength so necessary to a singer; vocally, with a voice of lovely quality, unusual range and great power; mentally, with a brain that is keen and active; and spiritually with a love for and knowledge of the real values of life, that enable him to lay hold of the divine as reflected in art

Music critics who have heard this singer agree as to his vocal ability and artistry, and predict for him a foremost place amoung the vocalists of modern times.

A large audience is anticipated.