The Reflector

Issue Number:44

Date: 06/09/1934

p. 04, c. 1

Open Forum

Dear Editor:

This morning I read an account in a Washington paper about a man who brutally assaulted two elderly women, sisters I believe. Scanning the paper further, I noticed that police were looking for a father who brutally beat his little nine months old daughter and even attempted to murder her. It seems that on every page of the newspaper there is an account of ruthless murder, kidnapping, rape, lynching, stealing, bribing and many other types of crime. Whither are we headed?

I haven't been here for these many years, but I have learned from reading compiled facts and by word of mouth, handed down, that once upon a time, there was at least a plausible motive for crime even if it were an evil motive. There was a time when criminals or even petty offenders were in a class by themselves, but now one may expect a "Jesse James" or "Gerald Chapman" to spring up from anywhere.

Once upon a time a child always looked to his parents for protection and guidance. No one dared insult daughter by word or deed; the son secretly desired to become a strong, brave man like "dad". Now, often "dad" is sister's seducer, and mothers and fathers have been known to ruthlessly murder, torture, and mistreat children. Not only those who are able to protect themselves to a certain extent, but also those little innocent chaps, who are not even old enough to comprehend the reason for such. Often, there is no reason except that the devil is the tormentor.

I am not unmindful of the fact that times have changed and the modern inventions have created many idle hands to do mischief. Nor am I unmindful of the fact that vice started almost with the advent of man. The shocking thing about the whole business is that once upon a time, one read about it and now when one goes to the corner store, he has no assurance that he will return. Indeed, whither are we headed? The only assurance one has is God, the only safe place in his heaven.

Henry Lowring

Richmond, Va.