Issue Number:111

Date: 09/21/1935

p. 4, c. 3

Louis-Baer Fight Has Struck Fancy of Boxing Fans

Russell J. Cowans

NEW YORK - The fleeting days of arduous labor in a training camp will soon be just so much water under the bridge, and the two gladiators who are scheduled to mix in the battle at Yankee Stadium on the evening of September 24, will be stalking in for the kill.

Not since the Dempsey-Tunney battle of Long Count has interest been stirred in fistic circles. The rallying of the cauliflower followers on New York for the big doings has already started, and ere the tow men climb through the ropes on Tuesday night, mo re than seventy thousand wild-eyed fans will be seated in Yankee Stadium.

While the price went to even money in the betting which as been reported, the main point of speculation among the scribes and fans assembled, is just how long the battle will last. AS it is expected to be a brawl with a bar-room aspect attached, those w ise in the ring craft are predicting that it will not go the limit.

The advance sale tickets up to Thursday had passed the $600,000 mark and Promoter Mike Jacobs was predicting a million dollar gate, a record gate for fights since the Dempsey-Tunney fight of 1927.