Mrs. Rutherford Brice, of Orange, Mr. McIntouch, of New York City and Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Los Angeles were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Monroe of Page Street.
Miss Margaret Rogers, who is district nurse in Richmond, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. F. C. Gunnel of Ten and One Half Street. Miss Rogers received her early training at the Jefferson School in this city, and last June, she graduated from Lincoln Hospital School of Nursing.
Mr. A. G. Macklin of Roanoke, is the guest of Miss Hortense H. Tonsler of Sixth St.
Mr. Oscar Conn, son of Mrs. Nancy Conn of Dice Street was married to Miss Mary Lawson, of Covesville, Sunday night.
Mrs. Marion Kelly left today for Yeadon, Penn., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Johnson.
Little Ruth and Mary Fortune and Master Emmet Fortune, children of Mrs. E. W. Fortune, Page Street, recently returned from a vist at the home of their grandfather, Mr. Jesse Fortune of Hickory Hill, Va.
Miss Geraldine J. Sampson was hostess to the "Jolly Junior" Club at her residence on Sixth St. last Friday evening.
Miss Rosa Fagans of Preston Avenue was hostess to the "Thalian Art and Literary Club" last night at home.
Dr. George F. Johnson in company with Mrs. Mary Greer motored to Va. State College at Petersburg, to witness the Commencement exercises. Mrs. Peachie C. Johnson was a member of the graduating class.
Mrs. Jennie Washington of Covington is visiting her father, Mr. Warner Brown of Page Street.
Mrs. Zelda Scott of Jersey City has been called to this city on account of the illness of her mother.
"The Taylor Art and Literary Club" entertained Mrs. Lockett, and ex member, at the home of Mrs. Ella Kinney on Preston Avenue.
Mrs. Coles and Mrs. Smith of New York are visiting their mother, Mrs. Brown on Sixth Street.
Mrs. James Lightfoot and daughters, Misses Louise and Geneva spent the day Sunday in Washington as the guests of Mrs. Parker, the daughter of Mrs. Lightfoot.
Messrs. Edward Sellers, Ernest Allen and Robert Harris motored to Greenwood Tuesday. They were the guests of the Misses Wood.
Mrs. Selena Burns entertained her friends at bridge Tuesday evening at four o'clock. After the game was completed, a palatable repast was served. The first prize was won by Mrs. Grace White, Second, Mrs. E. C. Heiskell, and Miss M. M. Gamble received the consolation prize.
Those present were: Mesdames Ione Edgar, Alice Howard, Mary Conn, Dorothy Tarry, Pearl Brown, Marion Kelly, Susie Lewis, Sadie Carey, Mary Bowles, Martha Coles, Daisy Thorogood, Irma Carter, and Eleanora B. Sellers; and Misses Louise Riddick, M. M. Gamble and Clara Brown
Miss Marion Wyatt has been quite indisposed for some time at her residence on Sixth Street.
Mrs. Annie Slaughter of Richmond, Va., who was the guest of Mrs. Alice Howard of Fifth Street, has returned to her home.
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Armstead of Ridgewood, N. J., are still in this city. They are the guests of Mr. L. P. Jackson of Ridge Street.
Mrs. Mattie Underwood of Orange, N. J., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Susie Henderson, on Fourth St., S. W.
Miss Nettie Kennie of Philadelphia is visiting relatives and friends here.
On the morning of Sept. 4th the Morning Star, No. 40, are having their field day exercises.
Little Elsie Harris of Seventh Street who spent several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Elsie Davis of Hilltop, Maryland, has returned to this city.
Miss Elizabeth Brooks of Fifth Street has returned to this city, after having visited her grandmother in Elicia, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Moon of Anderson St. entertained the Jolly Twenty Four Social Club at their residence Monday.
Miss Dorothy Burns of Alexandria, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jesse Carey, on Anderson St. is indisposed.