Issue Number:05

Date: 09/02/1933

p. 01, c. 03

Are You of the Nobility?

No, Sir Hugh is not of the nobility. Unfortunately, the blood in his veins is blue, his family name is three hundred years old, he is of the rank and file; yet, despite the fact he is untruthful, that he is a parasite on his friends, he must be termed a nobleman.

Yes, John Doe is a commoner. He toils daily for his sustenance. He pays his debts honorably; he is straightforward, but unfortunately his father was a glass blower, his mother was a laundress, therefore he is scum.

I wonder which of the two is true nobility.

Let me tell you--true nobility lies within the man. Great is my desire to laud him who can be true to himself, who can look upon the things he has done with shrinking. May I present to you, nobility, from four points of view, namely, nobility born of faith, loyalty, perseverance and generosity.

Not long ago the world was "Coue" mad. Everyone was saying to himself, "every day, in every way I'm growing beautiful and more beautiful", and "every day in every way I'm growing better and better." It took a world of faith for some of us to say that. How noble is the man who would possess such faith in his fellowman! How despicable is the inconoclast who would destroy one's faith in one's self, in one's fellowman.

I want none of your loyalty that says "yes, he is my relative, what about it?" Loyalty befitting the nobleman makes him not hate a man because he possesses qualities that he can never hope to attain. Loyalty to himself and to others inspires him to make the most of that which he has.

I've heard too much of perseverance that wins for a man his coveted goal. The nobility possesses perseverance that makes one stick to a principle and when envy tempts you to look narrowly at another, persevere, ignore the small voice and harken unto the broader principle.

Generosity doesn't end with giving a beggar a fifty cent piece or the orphans an outing. What about giving a man that which is due him? If he is a good jockey be generous and forget that you cannot be one because you are too stout but give him credit for being one.

The nobility is he who has faith in his fellowman, who is loyal to the smaller voice within, whose perseverance makes him adhere to a principle and whose generosity makes him give that which is due.

Are you for the nobility?