An open letter to the ministers, officials of every club and lodge and other business and professional men and women of Charlottesville.
Honored Citizens:
The history of mankind is very interesting, viewed from the point of leadership. By this I mean that the history of the world takes on a different aspect when one studies the various periods, avoiding many of the dates and other unimportant data, and considering the men of the period instead, together with their rank among men. We find four distinct changes in leadership. In the beginning of history proper, leaders were chosen from prophets and priests because a belief existed that nothing material could be accomplished without divine guidance. So tribal Chieftains and Clan rulers were in every instance, men of God.
This period was replaced by militarism. Mankind chose his leader according to his might, the physical skill displayed, and for a while, rulers were fighters, warriors.
Then, the Universality of education brought to light the fact that "the pen is mightier than the sword" and almost over night the politician with his long coat and high hat replaced the rugged soldier and for a long, long time this type was prevalent.
Not long ago, we fell victim to over-production, the panic followed, and the technician was called to straighten out matters.
I outlined these various types of leaders to establish the theory that your particular profession fits you for a duty that is sacred. In our city, the four types are well represented but, no one is taking an active lead. You know, the conditions here; facts and figures have been brought to you weekly, still you are supinely resisting that which may be improved by your guidance.
Without your consent, Fate has so arranged that it is necessary for you to lead, and Charlottesville expects it of you. Following your prescribed course is insufficient. How do you feel about the prevalent illiteracy, that could be stamped out with two hours of right training per week? What do you think about numerous adults who have never cast the ballot? Inevitably you have pledged your service to mankind and Honored citizens you may be true to the pledge by attempting to better some of the existing conditions in your community. Organization is the first step. When are you going to begin?