We have advocated since the first issue of this paper, three weeks ago, an active civic league for negroes of Charlottesville. We feel that a civic league in this community would do much to inculcate unity and power at the polls and in everyday life. We are urging citizens to give the plan consideration in their homes, in their clubs and in their various places of business. We have talked long enough. Now is the time for action. Bear in mind the program of an active civic league and tonight discuss its possibility in your home; let it displace gossip concerning trifles, and feel free to write this paper on that subject.
The primary step is to make necessary adjustments. Perhaps we have the inactive remnants of what was purported to be some from of league; reorganize it, revive it, make it life-like and movable. Let each citizen determine within himself that he is willing and ready, and leave the rest to step number two.
The secondary step, with pardons for the use of the common vernacular, is stick to your guns. Having reorganized, let nothing adverse discourage you, "heaven is not reached at a single bound." It is not always to the strongest that the victory is given, but to the one who perseveres.
Thirdly, in this project, forget personal feeling. Forget that the person who was selected as leader does not attend your church, or is not a member of your club or does not live on your street. Consider him as a man, as the chosen leader and support him. It is a wonderful thing, this personal interested in one's friend and loyal also to the cause of advancement and development.
Fourthly, lastly, but in no wise the least; if you do not see fit to actively aid in the program of the proposed civic league, keep quiet, and give the other fellow a chance. In this way you can at least help inactively. Many a worthwhile undertaking has met with failure because of the propagandist who did not understand, and who wanted no one else.
Wanted at Once!! Action. Let us act!