Issue Number:47

Date: 06/30/1934

p. 1, c. 1

American Citizenship Defined

A citizen is one owing allegiance to, and entitled to protetion from a government. Allegiance under a democratic form of government means a loyalty to the REpublic that acknowledges the duty of obedience to all rightful authority.

Fathers of this nation created a governemnt of the pople, for the pople, and by the people - and by the language of that Guide that they left us, which is the Constitution, they demanded us to keep it so.

Obedience to rightful authority does not mean just joining thearmy when a draft is made; it means full obedience to all rightful authority. NOw our government, due to its type, makes an implied demand that is as urgent as a call to arms or a requ est for all old gold.

It guarantees that the "will of the people" shal always be paramount, which clearly points out to every would be citizen the necessity and significance of participatin on all government activity. To this end, ballots were devised and the system of votin g introduced.

Allegiance is a requisite for citizenship in most lands, but the term means different duties in those different lands. It means subjectin to nobility in some lands; in other cuntries it means homage to a crown. In America allegiance means obedience to Rightful Authority. The demand may be a call to arms, a request for old gold or a call to the election polls.

Men who fail to obey the call to arms are branded cowards and their cititzenship is figuratively taken from them. Men who do not turn inold gold when it is requested by Rightful Authority are classified as hoarders, without certain rights belonging to c itizens, and men who disregard that implied urge to help govern themselves through the method of voting, are termed "Slackers" and are rightfully denied certain privileges and benefits promised by a governemnt of the people, for the people and by the peop le. Let the man who wishes to be a representative American citizen respect duly the laws, written and unwritten, laid down by America.