Issue Number:12

Date: 10/21/1933

p. 01, c. 02

Why Be Patriotic!!!

After relating five recent lynchings, several incidents where Negroes were denied much needed attention at white hospitals and the decisions of certain states professional school that barred a very capable Negroe's admission, a feature writer of our race concludes that the black man is truly a man without a country and frankly asks the world, just why he should be patriotic.

The writer did not exaggarate his charges, for it is true that many Negroes are victims of mob violence in this country every year. There are cases also on record, that have attracted National attention where hospitals actually closed its doors to injured Negroes when an hour's attention may have saved his life. Two cases are now pending Supreme Court hearing to determine whether or not a State may bar a certain group of citizens from professional training without providing such a place where similar training may be obtained.

Had the young writer made a further study, he would have learned that hundreds of men and women of the white race have interested themselves in our cause and have been instrumental in lifting far more Negroes than are lifted every year by the Interracial Committee, the N. A. A. C. P. and other organizations devoted to interracial goodwill work. He might have also studied and ascertained that millions of dollars have been donated by philanthropists of the white race for Negro Schools and hospitals. We feel that the question (Why be Patriotic?) is useless, for the consideration shown the race in the past and present by well-thinking white people has been the compensation of a democracy. Consequently, we should be broadminded enough to ignore the wrongs of a petty, undemocratic group, and let nothing interfere with our being patriotic for no other single element so surely guarantees perpetual democracy as does patriotism.